How to find Taobao Winning Products

The first stage of a successful dropshipping business involves finding the right products.

Taobao home Page

If you are not looking for products in a certain niche, the best approach to find the best-selling products on Taobao is to go to, translate the page using Chrome's translation function, then scroll down to the "You may also like" section.

You can find the most popular products in this section, and you can load more by scrolling down and waiting for them to load, then clicking on the product of your choice.

Dropast's search tool - Keyword


  1. Choose a price range if desired.
  2. Choose the "Keyword" function as the main category.
  3. Write the product keyword you're looking for in your language.

Then, by clicking the "Search Winning Products" button you will be redirected to Taobao, where relevant products based on the keyword entered will be shown and translated using Chrome's translation function.

Dropast's search tool - Category


  1. Choose a price range if desired.
  2. Set a main category, such as "Pet".
  3. Then a sub category, as "Daily".
  4. Select a Category, like "Bowl"

Then, by clicking the "Search Winning Products" button you will be redirected to Taobao, where appropriate products based on the category selected will be shown.