How to create account and Log In to Taobao

To navigate and search for best-selling products, you need to have a Taobao account.


  1. Go to Taobao - Registration Page
  2. On the registration page, at the top right of the screen, click the "English" button to switch to the English version.
  3. Then, from the drop-down menu, select the country where your mobile phone is registered.
  4. Enter your mobile phone number (no spaces, hyphens, or parentheses) and then click "Get Verification Code"

You will get an SMS verification code on your phone, and, although the message will be in Chinese, you will just need to find a number code. Once you've found the code, enter it and click "Agree and Register"

The website will redirect you to a new page where you must click the orange button to agree the Terms & Conditions.

How to Log In to Taobao

  1. Now, to log into Taobao, open Taobao with Chrome and use the default browser translator to translate the page.
  2. Then, to go to the Login page, click on "Dear, please log in"
  3. On the Login page, click "SMS Login"
  4. Select the prefix of your mobile phone from the drop-down menu
  5. Type your mobile phone number
  6. Click "Get Verification Code

You'll need to slide the security bar from left to right to get the code, which you'll get through SMS. Finally, type in the 6-digit code and click the orange Login button.

As you can see, creating a Taobao account takes only a few seconds, and logging in is simple through the SMS code. If you run into any problems when creating your Taobao account, please contact us and we will assist you.